One of the hardest parts of starting out on the internet is getting people to view your posts. As many bloggers would tell you, it is the most agonizing part of the beginning of ones cyber career. There are many ways to spread the word about your posts but many are unaware that they exist. One of the most simple ways to start out is by adding a link to your main page in all of your signatures. This will ensure that anytime you post a message people will have the opportunity to access posts of yours and possibly become a follower. Be sure however not to just spam forums as this will give people very negative feelings against you. Only post useful information and again, never flame. The more useful your posts are the more likely people will be to want to listen to what you have to say. Another simple way of advertising your blog or other posts is to go to any store with computers on display that can be used. You can load up your page on each of the computers and then leave. As people access the computers they will possibly begin to look into your site and follow you later on. Once again however do not become a nuisance and spam the computers. There are many more methods of course to self promote your posts but these two are the ones I follow most and I only wanted to write a quick post as I wait for a movie to start.
What ways do you think would be useful in self promotion? Leave your comments in the section below and be sure to give that follow button a little love and keep up with what's new in the tech world.
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